I told my husband, "At least I didn't bring home a water buffalo." Starting a conversation like that can only work to your advantage!
It's funny how many times buying goats from another goat farm creates not only new contacts but new friends. A year ago I had the task of tracking down the registration papers of an Oberhasli goat that I had purchased. It involved contacting three other people who had at one time housed this sweet goat.
While it was a process, these rabbit holes have a habit of turning into bigger rabbit holes... what do I mean? Well, while I was getting registration papers sorted out for my Oberhasli doe, I asked this one goat farm how I can repay her for her time in helping me get the papers straightened out.
Julie just mentioned to spread the word that she has some goats for sale. "Really," I replied, "What type of goats?"
"Oh, I have some Sable doelings that I need to find new homes for."
"Sables??" I just lost a Sable doe and was looking for another one. Sable goats are basically colored Saanen goats and not always readily available, let alone one that looked like Sage. But it was meant to be.

This Sable doeling was the exact likeness of my beloved Sage. So, I journeyed north, and Saffron joined my herd. She has been a lovely, charming goat, and I am eagerly anticipating breeding her in the upcoming fall of 2025.
About a week ago, Julie and I were messaging back and forth, and she brought up once more that she had additional Sables to sell because she needed to reduce the size of her herd. (Shh...I need to do the same, but that's a story for another time!)
Once more, I was heading north... I no longer require maps; however, I enjoy trying to beat the maps estimated arrival time... please tell me I'm not the only one who does this. Or just smile and continue reading.

Got to Julie's ... it's truly a magical place. Hidden among tall pine trees, her many livestock guardian dogs roam the farm and protect her goats and other livestock. She started to show me her goat, Soleil, who is gorgeous and also bred for spring babies...then I saw Belle.
I know, my husband is already smiling and just shaking his head.
Well, anyone knows that a pair of goats fare better when being introduced into a new herd. And my little trailer had plenty of room for sweet Belle. So Belle was added to my list.
As both girls were being guided into the trailer, Julie casually mentioned (I know, I should just cover my ears!) that she was considering selling her fully registered Sable buck... a proven, papered, and handsome buck. I turned around and went to meet her Sable buck.
Yep, you guessed it...Rico also joined Soleil and Belle in my little trailer. Now before you totally write me off as that crazy goat lady, hear me out!
One of my goals for 2025 was to acquire a registered Sable buckling or buck. I had already talked to a different goat farm and my own daughter in law.
But here he was. No extra travel, trips, extra gas money or extra time. I mean, look at all that I was saving!
It is actually difficult to find a fully registered Sable buck. If the dam or sire is a Saanen, then the Sable colored buck is considered experimental. I wanted a fully registered buck for future breeding of my Sable does.
Here's a shoutout to Julie and and her fantastic farm. She knows her goats, livestock guardian dogs, and now water buffalo. https://www.facebook.com/itsthelordsfarm/

And, as I was talking to my husband on the way home, I started it out with, "I did not bring home the water buffalo."
Yes, Julie has water buffalo including a calf! 'Twas my first time to see a water buffalo in person. Mama is ginormous while so docile, and the calf is pretty darn cute.
And, yes, my husband just shook his head while laughing as Soleil, Belle and Rico bedded down here, at their new farm.
I love reading about other goat people, you sound just like me!😅 I went to get an Alpine buckling a few years ago and fell in love with two doelings so ended up bringing home three kids!☺️
I try to beat google's travel times too, it is just so rewarding!😂
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts here and on Instagram! I am not on Instagram so I cannot reply there but I really love everything you post!😍
Heads up, everyone! You gotta know that a water Buffalo calf will be an upcoming addition to Meadowlark Heritage Farm...cuz Charlene just admitted that 'it was so darn cute'. That's how it all begins. 🐣🐤🦆🐈🐕🐐🐐🐐😅🐂🤣😂😍 🦬💜💚
Love this story Charlene! You’ve come a long way baby! Thanks for sharing